5 reasons parking lot solar canopies just may be the best form of solar
An RBI Solar-built parking lot solar canopy. [Photo Credit: RBI Solar — https://www.rbisolar.com/]One of the most over-looked forms of solar — one that almost inevitably fails to generate any...
View ArticleAm I sacrificing my own — and kids’— health too much to reduce climate change?
The central AC unit (gray square near middle right of photo) gets very little use because I am loathe to use it due to the way it contributes to climate change. But bad and unhealthy air quality almost...
View ArticleFossil fuel supporters foolishly try to cast the perfect as the enemy of...
Oil and fossil fuels are on their way out. But their ever diminishing number of supporters are getting desperate — and putting forward ever more stupid and weak arguments to try and prop them up. It’s...
View ArticleWe’d be nowhere on electric vehicles right now without the environmental...
True ‘grennies’ in the U.S. should be doing what this ‘greenie’ with a Chevy Bolt in Parker, Colo. is: Solar-charging an EV 🙂 I love it when some electric vehicle advocates contend, sometimes directly,...
View Article$63,000+ to achieve an off-grid/on-grid dream?
My townhome in Highline Crossing Cohousing in Littleton, Colo. I want to have solar installed on the roof and want to come as close as possible to electrifying ALL of my energy use inside it AND...
View ArticleThe ‘I can’t afford it’ excuse on the climate emergency is growing old
Yup, climate action starts here, with you and us actually doing things differently! [Photo by Christof Demont-Heinrich]You know what? I often do not believe people when they claim — “It’s too expensive...
View ArticleI make $66,000 per year and I can afford an electric vehicle — because...
My 2020 Chevy Bolt charging at a DCFC station in Green River, Utah during a 2,400-mile round trip road trip between Littleton, Colo. and Goleta California in Summer of 2021. [Photo by Christof...
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